2008 Football Pool
Players Remaining
No Losses
One Loss
Two Losses

Pick Totals / Update for Week 4

"Dallas is the best team in football... right?" [Dallas] --Nathan


"Rough calculations have my first loss avg. at just over Wk3, and my elimination avg. just after wk9." [Denver] --Rosenthal (first loss)

I love it when math is right. Dallas and Denver both fell down hard this week and continued the quick disintegration of the 2008 leader-board. Only 135 undefeated after four weeks? Aside from Rosenthal, whose consistency rivals Old Faithful, I fear the overall intelligence of the Ducey Pool has taken a tumble. Pull your picks together, people.

"Missed the deadline but want Dallas in Week 4." [No-Pick] --Theodore

Here's the bad news about late picks: They are not allowed. Here's the good news for Theodore: He didn't lose picking Dallas this week. He can still lose picking Dallas in some later week when Jessica Simpson is on break from her world tour. And for the rest of you, don't miss the deadline. It is firm. I said this a lot of times last season: Don't miss the deadline. And yet I know every week there will be 8 or 10 No-Picks. And even though you don't think so, it will be you.

"Put me out of my misery!" [Denver] --Navarro (RIP)

Done. The graveyard continues to grow. 71 gone. And 150 more on the precipice. Did I mention the decrease in overall pool intelligence?

00 LOSS -- 135 Brains
01 LOSS -- 227 Kidneys
02 LOSS -- 150 Appendices
03 LOSS -- 71 After Births

62 56 11
42 65 22
30 28 18
28 26 12
18 21 6
San Diego
10 15 4
New Orleans
9 21 7
4 5 4
NY Jets
4 2 2
3 3 4
1 1 0
0 3 1
Green Bay
 0 1  0
Tampa Bay
0 1 0
0 0 1

No Pick
1 4 3

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