2007 Football Pool
Players Remaining
No Losses
One Loss
Two Losses

Week Three Losses
20 15 6

"The Den/Jack point-spread (only 3) is suspicious, but what does Vegas know?" [Denver] --Gensler

Not much, I guess. The Broncos were nowhere near beating Jacksonville by three. But according to our numbers, it wasn't the most surprising upset of the day.

"Saving the best for last; it is a long season." [Washington] --Starke

If Starke's goal was to save better teams for the end of the season, he did do that. If his goal was to shorten his season by being eliminated, he took his first step in that direction. As for those who chose to use the best up in week three, they were rewarded with wins across the board. The top six picks this week all landed safely, whether by field goals at the final gun or blow-outs from start to finish. This group of players, as a whole, is very smart.

But still, there is sadness to report. Six of our original 565 players are guaranteed to finish out of the money. They are the first to go. Rest assured, they won't be the last. And they don't lose any more money by going out in week 3 than if they had been eliminated during the Superbowl. And so we add our fourth and final category to the standings...

Current Standings:
00 LOSS -- 370 Leaders
01 LOSS -- 161 Followers
02 LOSS -- 28 Wanderers
03 LOSS -- 6 Expirers


Pick Totals for Week Three

New England
180 60 3
71 22 5
63 26 2
15 9 0
15 7 0
NY Jets
12 6 1
9 3 0
5 2 1
4 4 0
4 2 0
New Orleans
2 3 2
Tampa Bay
2 3 1
Kansas City
2 2 1
2 0 0
San Diego
1 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 1  0

No Pick
1 4 3

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