Callback report--

Let me just say that they laughed and laughed. This time I knew it was a comedy and I played it like a comedy. Lots of laughs. Lots of nice comments after doing it four different times with different groups of guys (reading the three characters in the scene). Got good laughs on stuff I had already DONE! Got laughs when I tried new stuff. Got laughs when I added lines or looks or moves. They simply laughed AND laughed. That has not translated into, "They just hired me and hired me," in a loooong time. We were the last group of three to go, however, which I hope is a good sign. But I guess I should just be happy I brought a little joy into their lives. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

I got it!!!

I am off to Salt Lake City, Utah, for four weeks of shooting beginning June 11! The role is Rusty. The actor is Ducey!!!

Zack & Reba | Ducey on Film | Resume